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I’m in the Idolmaster project but I’m a Futanari, and let’s say that I can’t control myself all that well being surrounded with so many cute girls.
-Sorry Iori, can you bring Azusa, e Yukiho from the office?
-*Sigh* Sure. *Hum. . . what is this smell?* Hey Azusa *Splat*
At this moment Iori saw, me having sex With another member of the project.
-Huh Iori-chan sorry about the cum splat, You want to join us? Open your mouth then.
-*Why am I all hot all of a sudden after seeing her dick?*
Pages: 28
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2019-12-30
Convention: Comic Market 97
Full name: Yuki Chinpo Futanari Yukiho ga Bousou shite Iori to Ecchi shichau Hon ~ Momo no Suidousui
Data sheet