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  • https://mangar18.com/3811-home_default/tanoshii-seieki-bokujou-atahuta.jpg

Tanoshii Seieki Bokujou ~ atahuta (B5)

Tax included 30-50 days

Artist: atahuta

Group: Roubai-tei

Imported directly from Japan

Built up in high quality paper

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POV Overview

After the way against the Neroi reached it’s end, the witches returned to their lives, but there is a single issue on with that? Income, and so a Hunt that would later be known as the “Great Phallic War” began, where the witches would seek for the power withing the man, their sperm.

-Hello everyone, today we’ll give you a tour of our work at the semen ranch.

-No I don’t want to cum anymore, please.

-Don’t mind him. But all these dicks are from virgins since according to our research they provide the most rich semen, well let’s take a tour to see if every dick is in working conditions shall we?


Full satisfaction or get a refund

Ships within 30-50 days

Pages: 20

Condition: Like new

Language: Japanese

Released: 2016-12-31

Convention: Comic Market 91


Data sheet

Black & White
B5 (18x26cm/7x9.8in)