Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
It has slight censorship
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Here we go straight to the chase. You are a hero of sorts that got a reward, and what you asked as reward was, to. . . y'know have your way with Jeanne Alter. Being understandably pissed off she complied because he is a friend of a master of her.
With this said you possess the crest, a magical tattoo that makes you able to use magic. so what’s your strategy? None just use the command spell so she can’t say no to your biddings. Even though she was doing against her will she was still enjoying it to a certain point, so far to even say “This is the spell’s doing not my will”.
Pages: 25
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2018-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 95
Data sheet