This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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So lately I got myself into a gigolo work for a private girl school saying that this was a way to help the students. And today is my first day.
-Fuck I’m late. I’m sorry work got me held up.
-Oji-sama, I was waiting for you, so. . . shall we go?
-So what room should we pick?
-Oji-sama *smooch* I can’t handle it anymore.
-Wait so we reach the room at least.
-I don’t mind being seen here since everyone is here to have sex.
-Ok.ok just hurry up before we’re seen.
Pages: 218
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2021-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 99
Data sheet