This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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Today Raikou called me over to her room, and I’m a little afraid of what is coming.
-Master, do you know why I called you?
-Then I’ll ask you again, why, why are you so cold towards your mother.,I see you are always friendly with Kintoki and Bunyan, but when it comes to me you just wave from afar, I am suffering from it, do you hate me?
-No, it’s not like that, I just. . I love you, not as a mother but as a woman, and since you are my servant I don’t want to hurt you.
-If that’s the issue then there’s nothing to worry about it *Kiss* I can be your mother and your lover Master.
Pages: 20
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2017-12-31
Convention: Unknown
Data sheet