This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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This girl Daichi-san is my neighbor and I do love her, but I can’t find an opening to start talk or help her, that is until that day.
-Hum. . . what is this? No way, are these Daichi-san panties? . . . what’s this sound?
-Haa, Ahm, Ah!
-(Is she really masturbating now? I can see her through the balcony, crap I can’t bear just seeing this, oh fuck our eyes met)
-Uhm sorry to bother you this late but I think some of my laundry may have fallen on your side.
-Oh yeah I found them, but I was kinda using it so let me wash first?
-Using huh? Then would you mind helping me clean myself after that exercise?
Pages: 28
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2021-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 99
Eng name: Bitch Even Though My Neighbor Looks Anti-Social She's Secretly a Slut
Data sheet