Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
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Kyou saved me last time, even if it was after I had already lost my virginity, I’m glad he came to protect me, and today I came to his house.
-Kyou-chan it’s snowing.
-Yeah, it’s beautiful.
-Tomorrow is the day right? Kirino-chan will be back.
-Think a bit about yourself even more after what you went through.
-Hehe thanks, hey Kyou-chan, can I sleep in your futon with you?
-Come here
-*Sob* Sorry I’m fine now.
-*Hug* I can’t do much, but if you want, I can at least alleviate the pain.
-Thanks Kyou-chan.
Pages: 20
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2011-03-21
Data sheet
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