Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
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Shoya Mizutani is, by all accounts, an entirely ordinary individual. However, there's one aspect of his life that's far from ordinary, and it's a secret he's been keeping from everyone. A month ago, a succubus from the underworld paid him a visit to collect essence.
Now you can probably guess what occupies their time during their leisure hours. Every night, the succubus, Dvunja, extracts a bit of essence from Shoya, who is more than willing to cooperate. On this particular day, Dvunja felt a bit maternal and decided that the setting for their essence extraction would be a baby playtime. Given that Shoya is an only child, he embraced the opportunity to bask in some much-needed affection."
Pages: 24
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2016-08-14
Convention: Comic Market 90
Data sheet