Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
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-Where am I? Huh Elphelt what you did to me?
-Good morning sleepy head. WHA! Already cumming, you sure have libido on you Sol.
I’m unsure what happened, how can I of all people still have lust in me after hundreds and hundreds of years, something is not right here.
-*Lick* Hum, so this is the taste of your semen.
-What did you do?
-No idea what you are talking about, we’re married now, don’t you remember?
-Oh yeah? How come.
-You signed the contract while drunk
-Then why are you looking away from me? Fucking lying to my face.
-Ok ok sorry, I used a drug my mom gave me, she just said it was important so I put in your food.
-Don’t worry I’ll suck the medicine out of you.
Pages: 20
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2016-08-14
Convention: Comic Market 90
Data sheet