- New

This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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The fireworks are beautiful but I feel like they are just being lights to make senpai shine even more, and then sudden rain.
-*Phew* I'm glad we found somewhere with a roof.
-No problem senpai. *Gulp* (her yukata is see through thanks to the rain).
-Did something happened?
-I’m sorry senpai, I can see your breasts. Why aren’t you wearing any underwear?
-But isn’t the right way to use a yukata to not wear underwear? Also the bra isn’t the only thing I’m not wearing. Doesn’t look like this rain is going to stop, I’ll help you out, since it’s my fault you ended up with a boner in the first place.
Pages: 16
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2019-08-11
Convention: Comic Market 96
Data sheet