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I did all in my power to make Mayu the best idol she can, but i honestly was not expecting any form of thanks at all, and even less the one she gave me.
-Producer, can we get a holiday?
-What do you mean? You are now the top idol Mayu, so why now?
-I’ve been so busy lately that i wanted some peace, and with you if possible.
-Just take it for yourself, i still need to take care of the other girls.
-Don’t worry, you won’t bee needing to help the others anymore.
-I saved up all of money for one reason, i want you to look at me and only me, for us to be together, so i bought all your office, i bought everything, along with you. So stay be with me?
Pages: 24
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2014-12-30
Convention: Comic Market 87
English Name: Paradise in Confinement
Data sheet