- New

This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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I’m Kei Moteuchi, and one day I found myself in the samw world as the one in a game I play, the weird part is that the game has no male characters, so now I’m the “messiah” to keep this world going.
-So. . . I’m going into a country of Nuns?
-Yeah, and see if you can get through their devotion.
-Master, tonight Sister Onett will be performing the baby making ritual with you.
-Ok, but do you girls know how babies are made?
-Of course, the stork brings them to you.
-This is gonna be a long night.
Pages: 50
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2020-07-31
Convention: Unknown
Data sheet