Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
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Imaizumi is a shy and unimpressive individual who lives alone in an apartment. His family disapproved of him for not being manly enough, and he was consequently kicked out.
One day, three girls from his class began to visit his place to hang out since he lived alone and did not appear to be the type to flirt with them. Over time, they began to see Imaizumi's home as a second home and even spent the night there on occasion. However, this was not the end of the story. With three bold girls and one timid boy in a room, tensions began to rise. A simple game sparked an explosive situation because Imaizumi would be subjected to a lengthy and seductive punishment if he lost.
Pages: 64
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2019-08-11
Convention: Unknown
Data sheet