This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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Ever since I finished Elementary school I realized I had a body odor issue, the smell is overpowering, and it comes from a lot of places, even with me showering twice a day.
This was until I met Naoto.
-Let me help you with the paperwork.
-You don’t need to. ah. . . Thanks.
This continued until we started dating. But one day, just as everyone else in my life, he was just lying to get in bed with me.
-*Sigh* I should’ve guessed.
-Excuse me miss, but you dropped this. It might be weird to say, but I’m similar to you.
And like this I was offered a surgery to fixthe body odor, at the cost of my body
Pages: 48
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2021-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 99
Eng name: A Flower's Fragrance
Data sheet