Imported directly from Japan
Built up in high quality paper
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-Huh. Where am I? Why am I naked? This must be some prank.
-*In console*we’re done with your orders, we are going to use these bodies however we want, Outside 1pt, Creampie 3pt, ???
-What is this supposed to mean, wait were are the others? I’m sure I was in an alien factory with more people. . . The area, is changing, this is virtual? no.
-*Huff, huff* Damn she's a good one.
-Hey you three stop raping the girl, or I’ll make you all pay for it.
-*Pfft* you don’t listen do you. WE are in control here, hey, set off the bomb in her head.
Damn they took complete control, I have to obey them to escape this damn game before it’s too late.
Pages: 28
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2016-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 91
Data sheet