- New

This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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As the son of a wealthy family there are a lot of maids in the house, and the head maid is the one In charge to teach me about the wonders of sex.
-Hum it seems a bit down today, but it’s ok, after sleeping with the same partner so long it was obvious you were going go get tired of me, but don’t worry I have an idea.
-Here Young master, she’s the one that will keep you company at night. -Huh? Wait what, what do you mean?
-Now master, please have sex with her and pump all of it inside me.
-Why you chose me, it’s my first time too.
Pages: 20
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2021-12-31
Convention: Comic Market 99
Data sheet