This is the original paperback edition printed in Japan.
A limited edition like this may run out of stock any time, so please keep that in mind.
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I’m Leo, the eldest son of a family of aristocrats neck deep in debt and due to quarrels my father entrusted me and my sister Beatrice to the house of an old friend.
-*Bump* Oh, pardon me.
-(Aren’t we the first guests here?)
-Welcome Sir Robert, I’m Charlotte, head of the maids, now then, allow me to service you sir.
-Wah! Leo look away!
-Apologies for the delay Leo-sama of house Cordell, the Master is waiting for you.
-This way please.
-*Creak* Excuse. . . us
-*Plap plap* Oh pardon, you must be Leo-kun aren’t you, Greetings and welcome to my home.
-(I feel endangered here)
Pages: 62
Condition: Like new
Language: Japanese
Released: 2022-05-21
Convention: Unknown
Data sheet