At the age of 14 I got dazzled by the cover book of DTP "Puma Sisters", from Shirow Masamune. I remember I stood watching the sexy curves from these two characters for at least 5 minutes.
Few years passed without remembering that event too often. One day, in an old bookshop, while browsing japanese comic books, my eyes landed on a comic that blew me away. This book was titled, "Angel" written and drawn by U Jin-sensei, the vol 6 to be more precise. Book which I still have. That day, without knowing, I discovered what it would be one of the greatest passions in my life.
Many years passed since that moment, and again, i did not pay too much attention to it until i went on a trip to Japan and discovered an entire world of beauty which almost no one knows outside Japan.
We plan on bringing the best illustrators of all time from Japan to the world.
WELCOME TO MANGA R18, The best site you will ever find to get your books.
Peace of mind guaranteed! : )
Quality first.
We are also collectors, we love to have our collectibles in the best quality possible, we will provide this quality to you. Most of our books are in pristine condition and sealed in protective polypropilene bags.
The world is a better place with this art.
We will make it flourish again, like in our 16th century in Japan.
Huge variety
Many books are added each month, and if you dont find your title, you can always contact us here so we can fetch it for you.
Once we find your book, it will be added to the store and you will be able to purchase it

Our Mission
We want to completely transform the public view of this art back to what it was hundreds of years ago in Japan and make it open and broader once again. This pursuit is long, but we know we will succeed thanks to your support.

Many shops in Japan reject overseas user registration, and most of the time shipping options are not available either. On top of that these products are categorized as “restricted” and no proxy service will buy them for you due to its contents. Not to mention that once you manage to get the books, they still need to face customs clearance...
At the beginning, all of these issues made the books very difficult to import.
We believe 100% that if we didn’t like these pieces of art this much, we would have stopped doing it. We certainly believe that our customers should enjoy the art without any trouble.

Peace of mind
After many failed attempts and hard dedication, we solved most of the transport issues that happened during the traveling of the books. Leaving you only with the waiting for them to subtly and discreetly knock on your door.

Anytime a package does not arrive to you (which rarely happens), you will get a choice from getting your order re-shipped or fully refunded. Basically it means you will always be 100% covered.

Core values
We love Japan and this culture so much, that we consider these books as small pieces of art and collectible rarities, that is why we take unbelievable care during packaging and shipping them to you.

We take your trust so seriously that we consider that a sale is not finished until the customer is happy. These words are burned with fire in our soul and we truly mean it.